Welcome to the Hotel, where luxury comfort meets perfect paradise relaxation

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Enjoy a heavenly stay in our stylish rooms and relax in the hell of comfort and convenience
from 38€ / night / person


Komárno and its surroundings

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Whether you prefer peaceful city walks, cycling, visiting historical sites, or museums, Komárno and its surroundings offer a wide range of activities. Discover the city's rich history, enjoy nature, and relax with plenty of opportunities for both active and peaceful leisure.

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Hotel peklo about us image

About Us

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Hotel Peklo is located in southern Slovakia, in the historic town of Komárno. The hotel building underwent a complete renovation as the original structure was in a dilapidated state. The aim of all specialists involved in the renovation was not only to create a hotel but also a comprehensive facility providing high-quality services in Komárno.

  • Area of 3,500 m² and capacity of up to 70 beds
  • Ideal location just 10 minutes from the city center on the banks of the Danube River
  • Various activities such as skating in winter and cycling tours in summer
  • Equipped with comfortable rooms and luxurious apartments
  • Homemade and international cuisine
  • Café and bar with quality drinks


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Hotel Peklo offers accommodation in non-smoking, comfortably and modernly furnished 25 double rooms and 3 apartments.
Each apartment is spacious and has a beautiful view.
There is also a triple and quadruple room available for families, as well as a room for guests with disabilities.

Mini bar
Hotel peklo double room
hotel peklo double room
Hotel peklo dvojlozkova izba
Hotel peklo apartman
Hotel peklo apartman veza

Our services

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In addition to accommodation, we also offer our visitors additional premium services such as:

  • Covered Terrace
  • Currency Exchange
  • Sale of Basic Hygiene Products
  • Internet Corner (Wi-Fi) by the Café
  • Underground Garage with Parking for Bicycles
  • Conference Room
  • Option for Various Family, Corporate, or Other Social Events
  • Transportation for People Vienna - Budapest - Bratislava
Hotel Peklo Sluzby Obrazok

Leisure Time - Surroundings

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In addition to using the hotel services for leisure and relaxation, we have also prepared the most interesting places and attractions for free time in the city of Komárno, its nearby surroundings, and in Hungary.

1.4 Km

The anti-Turkish fortress, which is one of the largest historical monuments in the city of Komárno.

1.1 Km

It is an original urban planning project. The cornerstone was laid in February 1999.

1.3 Km

In the spaces of the former military church and in the corridors of the monastery, you will find exhibitions and displays...

Bazilika Sv. Ondreja
St. Andrew's Basilica
 650 m

A total of 800,000 bricks from the demolished Nové Zámky fortress were used in the construction of the church...

Trojičný stĺp
Trinity Column
800 m

The Trinity Column from 1715 is the oldest of the monuments in the public spaces of the city of Komárno.

Rímske Lapidárium
Roman Lapidarium
3.2 Km

After the Napoleonic Wars, at the command of Emperor Francis I, in the 19th century, around the Komárno Fortress ...

Podunajské múzeum
Danube Museum
700 m

The history of the museum located in Komárno dates back to 1886 when it was established ...

ImageTermálne kúpalisko
Thermal Bath
1.4 Km

The Komárno Thermal Baths cover an area of 2.5 hectares. Here you will find two thermal springs ...

Vodárenská veža
Water Tower
1.1 Km

The water tower was built in the romantic style in 1902. The 28-meter-high water reservoir ...

Univerzita J. Selyeho
J. Selye University
1.4 Km

The J. Selye University was established by the National Council of the Slovak Republic under Law No. 465/2003 ...

What our guests said

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Miloval som svoj pobyt v hoteli Peklo. Nevedel som, čo očakávať od podniku s obrázkom Gerarda Depardieua na webovej stránke a názvom, ktorý v preklade znamená peklo. Čisté zariadenia. Neuveriteľne priateľský personál. Výborne jedlo. Každé ráno som rád behal po Dunaji.

Halye, Us

Naozaj príjemné posedenie, kľud, príjemná atmosféra, personál príjemný a na úrovni,pohoda medzi
obklopenou zeleňou a kvetmi. Plne odporúčam.

Viktor K.

Po prechádzke cez Alžbetin most sme sa zastavili na menu. Príjemné posedenie na krytej terase.

Lenka P.

Pekný hotel, na skvelom mieste, izby čisté a útulné.
Za mňa spokojnosť

Miroslav D.

Krásny víkend v hoteli Peklo , spali sme vo veži, raňajky super, aj večera , ceny primerané
hviezdičkam hotela všade čisto personál milý veľmi dobre sme sa cítili. Hneď cca 100m sa dá
korčuľovať po hrádzi popri dunaji. Cca 15 min od hotela pešo je aj termálne kúpalisko v Komárne.


Výborné miesto, skvela poloha, prijemne priestory a skvela ponuka jedal.

Eliška V.

Príjemný hotel. Dobré raňajky.
Útulné a čisté izby.
Príjemný personál a dobré parkovanie.

Lukáš L.